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时间:2024-08-15 作者:德扑圈APP官网_HHpoker下载_-HHpoker官网 来源:ages.ssglass.cn 阅读:0

1.I dont mind if you heat me.It doesnt matter at all.Im not living to please you.鎴戝苟涓嶅湪涔庝綘璁ㄥ帉鎴?鎴戜笉鏄负浜嗗彇鎮︿綘鑰屾椿.

2.How are you getting on? I hope that the world will bee more beautiful because of you!杩囧緱濂藉悧?甯屾湜涓栫晫鍥犱綘鑰岀編涓?

3.You love me coz I鈥檓 not bad.But you love him even though he maybe a mistake.浣犲枩娆㈡垜,鍥犱负鎴戞槸涓笉閿欑殑浜?浣嗕綘鐖变粬,鍝€曚粬鏄釜閿欑殑浜?

4.Life is beautiful, but its plicated. We barely make it. We dont need to understand. There are miracles, miracles.

5.浜虹敓鐨勮矾寰堥暱寰堥暱,璁╂垜闄綘涓€璧疯蛋鍚с€傛垜鎰夸笌浣犳惌寤轰竴涓睘浜庢垜浠嚜宸辩殑澶╃┖銆侺ife is a long way to go. Let me go with you. I would like to build a sky with you that belongs to us.

6.Being nice to someone you dislike doesn鈥檛 mean you鈥檙e a hypocritical people. It means you鈥檙e mature enough to tolerate your dislike towards them. 鑳藉鍠勫緟涓嶅お鍠滄鐨勪汉,骞朵笉浠h〃浣犺櫄浼?鑰屾剰鍛崇潃浣犲唴蹇冩垚鐔熷埌鍙互瀹圭撼杩欎簺涓嶅枩娆€?/p>

7.When I was young, happiness was simple; now that Ive grown up, simplicity is happiness. 灏忔椂鍊?骞哥鏄欢寰堢畝鍗曠殑浜?闀垮ぇ鍚?绠€鍗曟槸浠跺緢骞哥鐨勪簨銆?/p>

8.To be a happy man, reading, travel, hard work, care for the body and mind銆傚仛涓€涓垢绂忕殑浜?璇讳功,鏃呰,鍔姏宸ヤ綔,鍏冲績韬綋鍜屽績鎯呫€?/p>

9.Living requires few: a cup of water, a meal and one to say I love you. But I hope that the water is poured by you, the meal is made by you and the 鈥淚 love you鈥?is came out from your mouth.鐢熼渶瑕佺殑寰堝皯:涓€鏉按,涓€椤块キ,涓€鍙ユ垜鐖变綘.浣嗘垜甯屾湜姘存槸浣犲€掔殑,楗槸浣犲仛鐨?鎴戠埍浣犳槸浣犱翰鍙e鎴戣鐨?/p>

10.While there is life, there is hope.

11.No amount of damage I dont care, wiped away tears tell yourself prohibit to cry.

12.I鈥檓 not even upset, hurt, or angry anymore. I鈥檓 just tired. I鈥檓 tired of putting in more effort than I receive.鎴戝苟涓嶅け钀?鎴戜篃娌℃湁鍙椾激,娌℃湁鐢熸皵,鎴戝彧鏄湁鐐圭疮浜?鎴戝帉鍊︿簡浠樺嚭澶,鍥炴姤澶皯銆?/p>

13.life is great, not in knowledge, but in can.浜虹敓浼熶笟鐨勫缓绔?,涓嶅湪鑳界煡,涔冨湪鑳借銆?/p>

14.Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.甯屾湜鏄竴浠跺ソ浜?涔熻鏄汉闂磋嚦鍠?鑰岀編濂界殑浜嬫案涓嶆秷閫濄€傘€婅倴鐢冲厠鐨勬晳璧庛€?/p>

15.To love someone,it is not because of the convenience he or she provides,but the visible growth of yourself in him or her.鍠滄涓€涓汉,涓嶆槸鍥犱负浠栨垨濂硅兘鎻愪緵鍝簺鏂逛究,鑰屾槸鍦ㄤ粬鎴栧ス韬笂,鍙互鐪嬭鑷繁鐨勬垚闀?/p>

16.Love one another and you will be happy. Its as simple and as difficult as that. 褰兼鐩哥埍灏辨槸骞哥銆傚姝ょ畝鍗?濡傛闅俱€?/p>

17.Why should a lifetime to forget someone, because you do not try to forget, but always remember, in looking forward, in the dream. 鈥斺€斿繕璁颁竴涓汉涓轰粈涔堣涓€杈堝瓙,鍥犱负浣犳牴鏈病鏈夎瘯鐫€鍘诲繕璁?鑰屾槸涓€鐩村湪鎬€蹇?鍦ㄦ湡寰?鍦ㄥ仛姊︺€?/p>

18.Dont waste your time on a manwoman, who isnt willing to waste their time on you.

19.Being someones first love maybe great ,but to be the last is byond perfect.

20.Good night, these two simple words, who can one day does not fall to the ground to say to me for a lifetime. 鏅氬畨杩欎袱涓畝鍗曠殑瀛楋紝鏈夎皝鑳戒竴澶╀笉钀藉湴瀵规垜璇翠竴杈堝瓙銆?/p>

21.Your life only lasts for a few decades, so be sure that you dont leave any regrets. Laugh or cry as you like, and it鈥榮 meaningless to oppress yourself. 浜虹敓鐭煭鍑犲崄骞?涓嶈缁欒嚜宸辩暀涓嬩簡浠€涔堥仐鎲?鎯崇瑧灏辩瑧,鎯冲摥灏卞摥,璇ョ埍鐨勬椂鍊欏氨鍘荤埍,鏃犺皳鍘嬫姂鑷繁銆?/p>

22.Dream is like underwear.Although you have it,youcan not show it to everyone you meet.

23.Only few people know that life is beautiful for lacking something. The socalled turningaround is that you not only miss the sun in day time but also the stars at night. 鍙湁寰堝皯鐨勪汉鎵嶆噦寰?浜虹敓鏄洜涓虹己鎲捐€岀編涓姐€傝€屾墍璋撶殑鍥炲ご,鍙笉杩囨槸涓㈡帀浜嗙櫧澶╃殑澶槼涔嬪悗,鍙堥敊杩囦簡澶滄櫄鐨勬槦鏄熴€?/p>

24.Someone will always be prettier. Someone will always be smarter. Someone will always be younger. But they will never be you. 鎬讳細鏈変汉姣斾綘鏇存紓浜?鎬讳細鏈変汉鏇磋仾鏄?鎬讳細鏈変汉鏇村勾杞?浣嗕粬浠案杩滈兘涓嶆槸浣犮€?/p>

25.Sometimes it鈥檚 better to be alone. Nobody can hurt you. 鏈夋椂鍊?瀛ゅ崟涓€涓汉鍙嶈€屾洿濂?鍥犱负杩欐牱灏辨病浜轰激瀹冲緱浜嗕綘銆?/p>

26.Smile and keep being fabulous are the best ways to get revenge on your haters. They hate to see you like that鈥斺€斿璁ㄥ帉浣犵殑浜烘渶濂界殑鍙嶅嚮鏄?淇濇寔寰瑧鍜屽厜鑺掑洓灏?浠栦滑鏈€涓嶅笇鏈涚湅鍒拌繖鏍风殑浣?

27.涓轰粈涔堝垢绂忔€绘槸鎿﹁偐鑰岃繃,鍋跺皵鎯充綘鐨勬椂鍊欌€?灏辫鈥?鍥炲繂鏉ラ櫔鎴戙€俉hy I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be acpanyed by the memory of.

28.Faith is to believe what you do not yet see, the reward for this faith is to see what you believe.

29.No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life. Someone somewhere else is fighting to survive. 鏃犺浣犺寰椾汉鐢熸槸濂芥槸鍧?姣忓ぉ閱掓潵鏃堕兘搴旇蹇冩€€鎰熸縺銆傚湪鏌愪釜鍦版柟鏌愪簺浜烘鍦ㄤ负鐢熷瓨鑰屽姫鍔涙垬鏂椼€?/p>

30.When youre different鈥hen youre special鈥ometimes you have to get used to being alone.鈥斺€斿洜涓轰綘鐨勪笌浼椾笉鍚?鍥犱负浣犵殑鐗瑰埆,鏈夋椂鍊欎綘寰椾範鎯鐙?/p>

31.Life is like angry birds.There are always several pigs laughing when you lose.

32.Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for a time. Goodness, remembrance and love have no end.蹇т激銆佹偛鐥涖€佷粐鎭ㄥ彧鏄煭鏆傜殑鎰熻,鑰屽杽鑹€佽蹇嗗拰鐖卞嵈鏄案涔呯殑鎯呮劔銆?/p>

33.Im thankful to all those who said NO. because of them, I did it myself. " 鎰熻阿閭d簺鏇剧粡瀵规垜璇?涓?鐨勪汉,姝e洜涓轰粬浠?鎴戦潬鎴戣嚜宸卞仛鍒颁簡銆?/p>

34.People cry, not because theyre weak. Its because theyve been strong for too long.鍝常,涓嶄唬琛ㄨ剢寮?鍙洜鍧氬己浜嗗お涔呫€?/p>

35.Is missing you in the dream.鍦ㄦⅵ閲屾兂鐫€浣?/p>

36.The world is really small, when you turn around, you don鈥檛 know who you鈥檙e gonna encounter with. The world is really big, when you turn around, you don鈥檛 know who鈥檚 already gone.涓栫晫鐪熺殑寰堝皬,濂藉儚涓€杞韩,灏变笉鐭ラ亾浼氶亣瑙佽皝銆備笘鐣岀湡鐨勫緢澶?濂藉儚涓€杞韩,灏变笉鐭ラ亾璋佷細娑堝け銆?/p>

37.Are you turn a walk,do not see my sad銆侫m I too wayward,regardless of your feelings銆?/p>

38.The wind and moon are beautiful, love and hate are romantic.

39.Life is really simple,but we still couldnt keep it be very plicated銆傜敓娲诲叾瀹炰竴鐩撮兘寰堢畝鍗?浣嗘槸鎴戜滑涔熶竴鐩撮兘蹇嶄笉浣忚鎶婂畠鍙樺緱寰堝鏉傘€?/p>

40.You are so lucky,because you can choose to love me or not ,but myself only have to choose from loving you or loveing you more.浣犳槸骞歌繍鐨?鍥犱负浣犲彲浠ラ€夋嫨鐖辨垜鎴栨槸涓嶇埍鎴?鑰屾垜鍙兘閫夋嫨鐖变綘鎴栨槸鏇寸埍浣犮€?/p>

41.In your life, there will at least one time that you forget yourself for someone, asking for no result, no pany, no ownership nor love. Just ask for meeting you in my most beautiful years. 涓€鐢熻嚦灏戣鏈変竴娆?涓轰簡鏌愪釜浜鸿€屽繕浜嗚嚜宸?涓嶆眰鏈夌粨鏋?涓嶆眰鍚岃,涓嶆眰鏇剧粡鎷ユ湁,鐢氳嚦涓嶆眰浣犵埍鎴戙€傚彧姹傚湪鎴戞渶缇庣殑骞村崕閲?閬囧埌浣犮€?/p>

42.From now on,i will expect nothing ,and just take what i get .

43.Dont look forward to tomorrow, dont miss yesterday, to grasp today.涓嶆啩鎲槑澶?涓嶇暀蹇垫槰澶?鍙妸鎻′粖澶┿€?/p>

44.The best feeling is when you look at him and he is already staring.鏈€濂界殑鎰熻鏄綋浣犳湞浠栫湅杩囧幓鏃?浠栧凡缁忓湪鍑濊鐫€浣犮€?/p>

45.I will honour myself by showing up powerfully in my life today.鎴戜細涓哄湪浠婂ぉ鍔姏鐢熸椿鐨勮嚜宸辫€屾劅鍒拌嚜璞€?/p>

46.Sad useless, let oneself live your life is the most important. Love is beautiful, but is not the life plete. 鈥斺€斾激蹇冩病鏈夌敤,璁╄嚜宸卞ソ濂藉湴鐢熸椿鎵嶆渶閲嶈銆傜埍鎯呰櫧缇?鍗翠笉鏄敓娲荤殑鍏ㄩ儴

47.You dont love a woman because she is beautiful,but she is beautiful because you love her.浣犱笉浼氬洜涓虹編涓藉幓鐖变竴涓コ浜?浣嗗ス鍗翠細鍥犱负浣犵殑鐖辫€屽彉寰楃編涓姐€?/p>

48.No matter how many miles stood between us, love has no distance in our hearts. 灏界鎴戜滑鐩搁殧鍗冮噷,浣嗗湪鎴戜滑鐨勫績閲岄潰,鐖辨槸娌℃湁璺濈鐨勩€?/p>

49.A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not olduntil regrets take the place of dreams. (J.Barrymore)鍙涓€涓汉杩樻湁杩芥眰,浠栧氨娌℃湁鑰併€傜洿鍒板悗鎮斿彇浠d簡姊︽兂,涓€涓汉鎵嶇畻鑰併€?宸撮噷鎽╁皵)

50.Sometimes, I feel like a little girl who needs protection.鏈夋椂鍊?鎴戣寰楄嚜宸辫窡涓皬濂冲浼肩殑,娓存湜鏈変汉淇濇姢銆?/p>

51.I dont regret not to meet you in the best time, because the best time to start after met you.鎴戜竴鐐归兘涓嶉仐鎲炬病鏈夊湪鏈€濂界殑鏃跺厜閬囧埌浣?鍥犱负閬囧埌浣犱箣鍚庢渶濂界殑鏃跺厜鎵嶅紑濮嬨€?/p>


53.I desire to grow old with you without paying.

54.鎳傚緱鐨勪唬浠锋槸鏇剧粡涓嶆噦,鍊樿嫢閬囪浜嗕竴涓洿鐤肩埍浣犵殑浜?璇峰緟浠栧ソ銆俆he price for understanding is that you were once not understanding. If you meet someone loves you more, please be nice to him.

55.When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop. Please look up andhave a look at the sky once belongs to us. If the sky is still vast,clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn鈥檛 takeaway the world that belongs to you.

56.Nobody really cares if you鈥檙e miserable, so you might as well be happy銆傛病鏈変汉鐪熺殑鍦ㄦ剰浣犳槸涓嶆槸闅捐繃,鎵€浠ヨ繕鏄揩涔愪竴鐐瑰惂銆?/p>

57.People who never fail are people who learn the least. Dont be afraid to fail. Grab the lesson, fight better! 浠庝笉澶辫触鐨勪汉,鍏跺疄瀛﹀埌鐨勪笢瑗挎渶灏戙€傛墍浠ヤ笉瑕佸鎬曞け璐?鎴戜滑瑕佸仛鐨勬槸,鍦ㄥけ璐ヤ腑瀛︿範,鍦ㄥ鏂椾腑杩涙銆?/p>

58.Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.姊︽兂鏄彲鍐嶇敓鐨勩€備笉璁轰粈涔堝勾榫勫拰鐜,鎴戜滑濮嬬粓鏈夋湭寮€鍙戠殑鍙兘鎬у拰鏂扮殑缇庝附鍦ㄧ瓑鐫€鎴戜滑銆傛櫄瀹?/p>

59.Life, happy to share the joy, share the pain, the pain halved.浜虹敓,鍒嗕韩蹇箰,蹇箰鍔犲€?鍒嗘媴鐥涜嫤,鐥涜嫤鍑忓崐銆?/p>

60.Whenever I would e home on leave, I would ask Dad to play the mandolin. Nobody played the mandolin like my father. He could touch your soul with the tones that came out of that old mandolin. He seemed to shine when he was playing. You could see his pride in his ability to play so well for his family.

61.I am responsible for what I say. I am not responsible for what you understand.鎴戝彧瀵规垜璇寸殑璇濊礋璐?鑷充簬浣犳€庝箞鐞嗚В鎴戠殑璇?杩欒秴鍑轰簡鎴戠殑璐d换鑼冨洿銆?/p>

62.To beleve , each day the sun wll not lve up to ther own smle. 瑕佸潥淇?姣忎竴澶╃殑闃冲厜閮戒笉浼氳緶璐熻嚜宸辩殑绗戝銆?/p>

63.Sometimes,you just have to pretend that you are happy just to stop everyone from asking you that the hell happened.

64.Very nice to me is a bit unhappy.

65.Life is not like Lin Daiyu.It won鈥檛 be "charming and graceful" because of sorrow. 鐢熸椿涓嶆槸鏋楅粵鐜?涓嶄細鍥犱负蹇т激鑰岄鎯呬竾绉嶃€?/p>

66.I know Im not beautiful, but everyday I hope you think that I am. 鎴戠煡閬撴垜涓嶅缇?浣嗘瘡澶╂垜閮芥湡鏈涚潃浣犱細瑙夊緱鎴戞槸缇庝附鐨勩€?/p>

67.There is nothing more attractive than a person who is 100 fortable in his or her skin. Hug yourself because you are beautiful. Love yourself because you are wonderful.娌℃湁浠€涔堟瘮鍋氳嚜宸辨洿鏈夊惛寮曞姏鐨勪簡銆傛嫢鎶辫嚜宸?鍥犱负浣犲緢缇庛€傜埍鑷繁,鍥犱负浣犲緢浜嗕笉璧枫€?/p>

68.The one who loves you will love your imperfections. The one who does not love you could not understand your beauty鈥斺€旂埍浣犵殑浜?浼氱埍涓婁綘鐨勭己鐐?涓嶇埍浣犵殑浜?鏃犳硶鐞嗚В浣犵殑缇庛€?/p>

69.Maybe sometimes its easier to be mad at the people you trust. Because you know theyll always love you, no matter what. 鏈夋椂鍊欐垜浠洿瀹规槗瀵规垜浠俊璧栫殑浜虹敓姘?鍥犱负浣犵煡閬撲粬浠笉绠℃€庢牱閮戒細姘歌繙鐖变綘銆?/p>

70.quot;The less you worry about what people think, the less plicated lifebees.浣犺秺涓嶅湪涔庡埆浜虹殑鐪嬫硶,鐢熸椿灏变細鍙樺緱瓒婄畝鍗曘€?

71.鍥犱负浣?鎴戜笉鐭ラ亾濡備綍鍘绘帴绾冲埆浜恒€?Because of you. I don t know how to let anyone else in銆?/p>

72.Life is not always what we want it to be. We fight. We cry. And sometimes, we give up. But in our hearts, we know its still love. 鐢熸椿鏈夋椂涓嶅敖濡備汉鎰忋€傛垜浠專鎵庡摥娉?鏈夋椂鐢氳嚦鏀惧純銆備絾鍐呭績濮嬬粓鍏呮弧鐖便€?/p>

73.May we all have the power to love ourselves and others.鎰挎垜浠?閮芥湁鑳藉姏鐖辫嚜宸?鏈変綑鍔涚埍鍒汉 銆?/p>

74.When you think your life sucks, just think to yourself about how many people have it worse.鈥斺€斿鏋滀綘瑙夊緱鑷繁鐨勭敓娲讳笉濡備汉鎰忥紝鎯虫兂涓栫晫涓婃湁澶氬皯浜鸿繃寰楁瘮浣犳洿鎮叉儴鍚э紒

75.Success is actually simplewhen you are about to fail to hold, hang on a bit longer. 鎴愬姛鍏跺疄寰堢畝鍗曪紝灏辨槸褰撲綘鍧氭寔涓嶄綇鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍐嶅潥鎸佷竴浼氥€?/p>

76.Love is so short, forgetting is so long銆傜埍閭d箞鐭?鍙槸閬楀繕閭d箞闀裤€?/p>

77.Have the person love,I will try to do a lovely man.The sun is bright, the wind and rain,do his own dream run,go his own way. 鏈夋病鏈変汉鐖?鎴戜篃瑕佸姫鍔涘仛涓€涓彲鐖辩殑浜恒€備笉鍩嬫€ㄨ皝,涓嶅槻绗戣皝,涔熶笉缇℃厱璋?闃冲厜涓嬬伩鐑?椋庨洦涓璺?鍋氳嚜宸辩殑姊?璧拌嚜宸辩殑璺?/p>

78.Life is short and you deserve to be happy銆傜敓鍛借嫤鐭紝浣犲簲璇ヨ繃寰楀紑蹇冧簺銆?/p>

79.I never wanted to be your whole life. Just your favorite part.

80.Being in love is easy, being married is not. It is to be cherished. 鎭嬬埍铏芥槗,濠氬Щ涓嶆槗銆備笖琛屼笖鐝嶆儨!

81.I don.t want to live without you.鎴戠殑鐢熷懡涓笉鑳芥病鏈変綘銆?/p>

82.Don鈥檛 go for looks;they can deceive. Don鈥檛 go for wealth; even that fades away. Find the one that makes your heart smile.涓嶈鍙拷姹傛紓浜殑澶栬〃,瀹冧細娆洪獥浣犵溂鐫?涓嶈鍙拷姹傝储瀵?閭e彧涓嶈繃鏄繃鐪间簯鐑?杩藉閭d釜璁╀綘鍐呭績寰瑧鐨勪汉銆?/p>

83.You may never be good enough for some people, but you will always be the best for those who deserve you鈥斺€斿浜庢煇浜涗汉锛屼綘涔熻姘歌繙涓嶅濂斤紱浣嗗浜庨偅涓€煎緱鐨勪汉锛屼綘姘歌繙鏄渶濂界殑銆?/p>

84.brief is life, but love is long. 鐢熷懡铏界煭,鐖卞嵈缁甸暱銆?/p>

85.鎴戜粠鏉ヤ笉鑷娆轰汉銆傛垜鍙湅鐪熷疄銆侷 never told you. I only see the truth.
